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Launcher MuOnline Guides

Disable System Guide
ONOFF [Teach Updatees] Make updates for the launcher VIEW
ONOFF [System Rankings] Show the ranking of your server VIEW
ONOFF [System Launcher Title] Windows Name of the launcher VIEW
ONOFF [System BanMac] Ban your users from accessing the launcher -
ONOFF [System Messages] Send messages to your users when opening the launcher VIEW
ONOFF [System Auto Update] Auto Updated (Used to update your launcher.exe) VIEW
ONOFF [System Socials Buttons] Buttons for social networks -
ONOFF [System CheckSumm] Protect your client's files CheckSumm VIEW
ONOFF [System Name Main] Name your main so that our launcher executes it (Main.exe) VIEW
ONOFF [System Link Video] Place welcome video to the launcher VIEW
ONOFF [System Slider] Edit the images of the Launcher Slider VIEW
ONOFF [System Delete Files] Delete your client's junk files from the launcher VIEW
ONOFF [System AutoDep] Add the Main to the windows DEP -
ONOFF [System Type Rankings] Select the type of ranking you want to see in the launcher VIEW
ONOFF [System News] Server news, so your users will know the latest from your server VIEW
ONOFF [System Name Shortcut] Create a shortcut to your Desktop from your launcher VIEW
ONOFF [System Minimizer] Configure what appears when minimizing the launcher VIEW
ONOFF [System Force Main] Add force the main.exe to open only from our launcher -
ONOFF [System Maintenance] Put your server in maintenance through the launcher VIEW
ONOFF [System User Panel] PanelUser shows character data (Add Loading ..., Select Server, Select Character, name, Level, map) -
ONOFF [System Number Of Accounts] Reduce the main.exe windows your users can open VIEW
ONOFF [System Release RAM] Reduces the RAM consumption of the processes that are added VIEW
ONOFF [System Languaje] Fully translate the launcher VIEW
ONOFF [System Log Update] Complete list of received updates VIEW
ONOFF [System GetProcess] Full list of user processes VIEW